
Jeffrey J. Pyle and Asya Calixto Discuss Social Media and the Changing Landscape of Condo Communications at REBA Condominium Law & Practice Committee Meeting

April 23, 2014

Prince Lobel media and First Amendment lawyers Jeffrey J. Pyle and Asya Calixto, along with Chris Lanni, Director of Security at Harbor Towers will discuss the practical benefits and pitfalls of social media used for condominium purposes.

Gone are the days when communication with unit owners meant bulletin boards and under-the-door newsletters.  Now there are proliferating electronic formats and platforms by which trustees, owners and managers can deliver messages to others.  Building Link, Yelp, Facebook and similar social media are easy and convenient – but it comes at a price, and the price is that the condominium association may face increased exposure to claims of defamation, breach of privacy, and denial of free speech rights by the unhappy subjects of critical social media comments, whether owners, trustees, managers, suppliers, contractors or other third parties.

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