
Joseph S. Sano, Panelist at MReBA’s Eighth Annual Symposium

October 3, 2016

Prince Lobel’s insurance attorney Joe Sano will be panelist on the discussion “A Brave New World: Insuring Emerging Risks” at Massachusetts Reinsurance Bar Association’s Eighth Annual Symposium – The New Frontier at the Harvard Club of Boston – Back Bay Clubhouse.

The panel members will offer insights into several emerging risks, those newly developing or evolving risks whose potential impact and scope are not yet fully acknowledged. The topics will include: examining the risks associated with autonomous “self-driving” vehicles and how to insure such risks; looking into “cybersecurity” liability risks, including the likely exposures for companies and how to underwrite these risks; discussing “block chain” technology and its potential impact on insurance and reinsurance as we know it; and discussing and reviewing new case law developments concerning insurance coverage for products that have created new forms of “public nuisance,” such as the prescription drug abuse epidemic.

MReBA members and non-members are welcome to register.

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