
Michael G. Xavier on MCLE Faculty: Modification & Contempt Proceedings

August 23, 2017

Given the current economic downturn, as well as the anticipated changes under alimony reform, more and more litigants are filing a complaint for contempt seeking compliance of an outstanding judgment or order, or filing a complaint for modification seeking relief from an existing judgment.

At this program, attendees will discuss such issues as:

  • Do I pay alimony for life?
  • What is the impact of alimony reform on my current obligation?
  • What if I retire?
  • My assets are depleted—How does this affect my obligation?
  • The judgment requires that I sell the marital home, but must I, given the current market?
  • Can I counterclaim a contempt with a modification seeking a reduction in my support obligation retroactively?

This program will provide solutions and/or answers to your clients’ dilemmas, as well as insight so the situations never arise in the future.

MCLE Conference Center
Ten Winter Place
Boston, MA

Click here for more information.

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