Latest Past Events

Julie Barry to Lead REBA Meeting on Solar Exemption Under Chapter 40A, §3

REBA 295 Devonshire Street, 6th Floor, Boston

Julie Barry and Kathleen O'Donnell will lead a joint Open Meeting of the Real Estate Bar Association's Environmental Law and Land Use Sections to discuss the solar exemption under Section 3 of the state's Zoning Act.  This exemption provides that a municipality may not unduly regulate or prohibit renewable or alternative energy development facilities.  Barry…

Prince Lobel to Host Third Annual Massachusetts State of Solar Event

Prince Lobel Tye LLP One International Place,<br />Suite 3700, Boston

On January 25, Prince Lobel will host the Climate Action Business Association (CABA)'s Third Annual Massachusetts State of Solar panel discussion and networking event.  Partner and chair of Prince Lobel's Environmental Law Group Julie Pruitt Barry will represent our firm at this event, at which panelists will discuss the future of the electric grid and…