Latest Past Events

Julie Barry to Lead REBA Meeting on Solar Exemption Under Chapter 40A, §3

REBA 295 Devonshire Street, 6th Floor, Boston

Julie Barry and Kathleen O'Donnell will lead a joint Open Meeting of the Real Estate Bar Association's Environmental Law and Land Use Sections to discuss the solar exemption under Section 3 of the state's Zoning Act.  This exemption provides that a municipality may not unduly regulate or prohibit renewable or alternative energy development facilities.  Barry…

Michael Ross to Speak at Licensing Workshop During New England Cannabis Convention

Hynes Convention Center 900 Boylston St, Boston

Michael Ross will speak on Friday, March 23, 2018 at a workshop entitled "How to Win a Cannabis Business License in Massachusetts."   This workshop, which is part of the greater New England Cannabis Conference (NECANN), will take place at the Hynes Convention Center and will cover everything businesses need to know about applying for and…