International Standards for Safety Data Sheets Are Coming for Manufactured Nanomaterials – October 2012

October 4, 2012

International standards compliance
for hazardous chemicals, materials, or substances is important to promote
workplace and customer safety and to foster the global marketability of your
products while trying to minimize any litigation exposure to your company.
While the hazardous nature of most nanomaterials remains the subject of ongoing
scientific investigation, a new international standard concerning preparation
of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) that applies specifically to engineered and
manufactured nanomaterials has been developed and will soon be published.
Gaining familiarity with the standard’s provisions and, if necessary, making
prompt efforts to bring your company into compliance with the standard is
consistent with good commercial manufacturing practices and diligent risk
management. Click here to read the complete article published on

The complete article is published on This portion is reproduced with permission. Copyright 2012, International Risk Management Institute,Inc.

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