This year, 35 Prince Lobel attorneys were named to the 2020 Massachusetts “Super Lawyers” list. Each year, no more than five percent of the lawyers in the state are selected by the research team at Super Lawyers to receive this honor, and the lists are published in Boston magazine. Congratulations to the 35 attorneys featured on the “Super Lawyers” list:
- Robert. C. Barber: Business/Corporate, Intellectual Property, Business Litigation
- Julie P. Barry: Civil Litigation
- Robert A. Bertsche: Media & Advertising Law
- Adam F. Braillard: Energy & Natural Resources, Real Estate
- Alex E. Breger: Intellectual Property
- Joseph P. Curtin: General Litigation
- Brittany Darcy: Family Law, Employment Litigation, Business Litigation
- Jonathan R. DeBlois: Intellectual Property Litigation, Intellectual Property, Business Litigation
- Pasquale DeSantis: Family Law
- Adam R. Doherty: Business Litigation
- James J. Foster: Intellectual Property Litigation
- Nancy A. Freed: Family Law
- Robert R. Gilman: Intellectual Property Litigation
- Hugh J. Gorman III: Construction Litigation, Creditor Debtor Rights, General Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Peter A. Kuperstein: Family Law
- John F.X. Lawler: Personal Injury: Defense
- James W. Lawson: Criminal Defense
- Robert P. Maloney: Business & Corporate Law
- Anna M. Martignetti: Family Law
- Daniel J. McGonagle: Intellectual Property, Personal Injury-General
- Joseph P. Messina: Business Litigation, Closely Held Business
- Thomas C. O’Konski: Intellectual Property Litigation, Intellectual Property, Business Litigation
- Walter B. Prince: General Litigation
- Jeffrey J. Pyle: Media and Advertising, General Litigation, Constitutional Law
- Anita W. Robboy: Family Law, General Litigation
- William S. Rogers, Jr.: Business Litigation
- Laurie F. Rubin: Employment & Labor Law
- Ricardo M. Sousa: Business & Corporate Law
- Joseph D. Steinfield: Business Litigation
- Michael T. Sullivan: Business Litigation, Real Estate, Construction Litigation, Professional Liability
- Daniel S. Tarlow: Employment & Labor Law
- Donald G. Tye: Family Law
- Richard D. Wayne: Employment & Labor, Employment Litigation, Construction Litigation
- William A. Worth: Business Litigation
- Michael G. Xavier: Family Law